English: This is a private family, scientific and non-commercial website that describes some topics from the Bible. The information given does not belong to any church or religious community. We are Christians and not Messianic Jews. All information is independent and completely free from church dogmas and theological or philosophical ideas. We never advertise any church or religious community. The structure of the Bible and the menorah is not a coincidence; it shows conscious planning by God. On our website we have the largest collection of old and new Menorah images on the internet and the largest sorted collection of links to original historical bibles (Facsimiles) from all centuries. If you would like to see improvements or if you have more Menorah images or know of new links to historical bibles, we would be happy to publish them. Many thanks! All information is independent and we do not collect information from website visitors; we do not use cookies. We offer everything for free and never ask for a donation. Our motto is: "Love never ends" (1 Cor 13:8). Blessings. Daniel
Español: Este es un sitio web privado, familiar, científico y no comercial que describe algunos temas de la Biblia. La información facilitada no pertenece a ninguna iglesia o comunidad religiosa. Somos cristianos y no judíos mesiánicos. Toda la información es independiente y está completamente libre de dogmas eclesiásticos e ideas teológicas o filosóficas. Nunca hacemos publicidad de ninguna iglesia o comunidad religiosa. La estructura de la Biblia y de la menora no es una coincidencia, sino muestra una planificación consciente por parte de Dios. En nuestra página web tenemos la mayor colección de imágenes de menorá antiguas y nuevas en Internet y la mayor colección ordenada de enlaces a biblias históricas originales (facsímiles) de todos los siglos. Si desea ver mejoras o si tiene más imágenes de la menorá o sabe de nuevos enlaces a biblias históricas, podemos publicarlas. ¡Muchas gracias! Toda la información publicada aquí es independiente. No recopilamos datos de los visitantes del sitio web; no utilizamos cookies. Ofrecemos todo gratis y nunca pedimos una donación. Nuestro lema es: "El amor nunca deja de ser" (1 Corintios 13:8). Bendiciones. Daniel
Français: Il s'agit d'un site web privé, familial, scientifique et non commercial qui décrit certains sujets de la Bible. Les informations données n'appartiennent à aucune église ou communauté religieuse. Nous sommes des chrétiens et non des juifs messianiques. Toutes les informations sont indépendantes et totalement libres de dogmes ecclésiastiques et d'idées théologiques ou philosophiques. Nous ne faisons jamais de publicité pour une église ou une communauté religieuse. La structure de la Bible et de la ménorah n'est pas une coïncidence ; elle montre une planification consciente de Dieu. Sur notre site web, nous avons la plus grande collection d'images de menorah anciennes et nouvelles sur internet et la plus grande collection triée de liens vers des bibles historiques originales (fac-similés) de tous les siècles. Si vous souhaitez voir des améliorations ou si vous avez plus d'images de menorah ou connaissez de nouveaux liens vers des bibles historiques, nous pouvons les publier. Merci beaucoup ! Toutes les informations sont indépendantes et nous ne recueillons pas d'informations auprès des visiteurs du site Web ; nous n'utilisons pas de cookies. Nous offrons tout gratuitement et ne demandons jamais de dons. Notre devise est : "L’amour ne périt jamais" (1 Cor 13:8). Bénédictions. Daniel
Deutsch: Dies ist eine private familiäre, wissenschaftliche und nicht-kommerzielle Webseite, die einige Themen aus der Bibel beschreibt. Die gegebenen Informationen gehören zu keiner Kirche und zu keiner religiösen Gemeinschaft. Wir sind Christen und keine messianischen Juden. Alle Informationen sind unabhängig und völlig frei von kirchlichen Dogmen und theologischen oder philosophischen Vorstellungen. Wir machen niemals Werbung für eine Kirche oder eine religiöse Gemeinschaft. Der Aufbau der Bibel und der Menora ist kein Zufall, sie zeigt eine bewusste Planung durch Gott. Auf unserer Webseite haben wir die im Internet größte Sammlung an alten und neuen Menora-Abbildungen und die uns bekannte größte sortierte Sammlung an Links zu historischen Original-Bibeln (Faksimiles) aus allen Jahrhunderten. Falls Sie Verbesserungen wünschen oder weitere Menora-Abbildungen haben oder neue Links zu historischen Bibeln kennen, so können wir diese gerne veröffentlichen. Vielen Dank! Alle hier veröffentlichten Informationen sind unabhängig. Wir sammeln keine Daten von den Besuchern der Website; wir verwenden keine Cookies. Wir bieten alles kostenlos an und bitten nie um eine Spende. Unser Motto ist: "Die Liebe hört niemals auf" (1Kor 13,8). Segenswünsche. Daniel
Our direct e-mail: menorah1(at)gmx.com
We usually always reply within a few days, unless special circumstances prevent this. Therefore, please also check your spam folder in case you do not receive an email from us.
Thanks to everyone who sends us links to old historical menorahs and historical Bibles (facsimiles) so that we can expand the list. Blessings.
Unfortunately, we cannot give our full contact details in the imprint because we keep receiving threats of murder and torture. These people are not at all able to refute us on a single point based on the Bible; therefore, they furiously try to silence and eliminate those who expose the false teachings of their churches. This is to keep the "sheeple" away from the truth and continue to follow the different church doctrines made up by men, most of which have a pagan origin and contradict the Holy Scriptures. We refer only to the Bible and to the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is clear. Our Lord will soon call to account all those who falsify His Word and add to or take away from the Bible. These Christians are not messing with us, but with God, the Creator, personally, because whoever deceives the children of God or spreads another gospel runs the risk of losing his eternal life (Matt 18:6-9; Gal 1:8-9; Rev 22:18-19). When it comes to His Word and the truth, God does not take a joke.
PS: A note to all those who send us threats, insults and evil comments about the Resurrection Sabbath with non-existent email addresses, thus revealing their non-Christian behavior. Why are you too cowardly to engage in serious communication? The Bible says: "in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15). So far NO ONE has succeeded in convincing us of the opposite with biblical arguments, but we have already led many to the truth. Even a pastor of a large church said: "It is true what you say, but if I preach it in the church, no one will come." Yes, that's right, most Christians can't stand the truth and don't want to give up "Easter Sunday", which is not mentioned once in the entire Bible, to avoid problems. They prefer to make our Lord Jesus Christ a liar, who supposedly does not know what He is saying and supposedly did not fulfill the sign of the Messiah ("3 days and 3 nights"; Mt 12:38-40), but was only in the tomb for 1.5 days. However, this is what the whole world should know: Jesus fulfilled the most important sign in the history of the universe; He rose after "3 days and 3 nights" as HE (not we) said. It was "on a Sabbath" or "on the one of the Sabbaths", as all the evangelists literally say in the basic Greek text, or more precisely "early on the first Sabbath" (Mk 16:9), which is extremely easy to understand, because it is about the first of the 7 Sabbaths counted every year between Passover and Pentecost for 3,500 years until today (according to God's calendar). And this is exactly what is written in many Bible translations worldwide, as can be proven very easily (see Facsimiles). With your unchristian insults and brutal threats you can scare little children, but not men of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ was also insulted, threatened and hated, His words were twisted, why should we fare any better?
All content and all photos from ancient and new menorahs provided on this website is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website or found by following any link on this website. We will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information. We will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. The opinions expressed from other website owners and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of us.
Additional information: We provide this scientific information service for free and do not collect any customer information. We do not use cookies, Google Analytics, Google Adsense, or any other services to collect customer information. This is a non-profit website, no money is made. We want to give and not take.
If you wish to make corrections or additions, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can make corrections and additions. This also applies to any third-party links over which we have no influence.
Tout le contenu et toutes les photos de Bibles ou de Menorahs anciens et nouveaux fournis sur ce site Web est à titre d'information seulement. Nous ne faisons aucune représentation quant à l'exactitude ou l'exhaustivité de toute information sur ce site Web ou trouvée en suivant tout lien sur ce site Web. Nous ne sommes pas responsables des erreurs ou omissions dans ces informations. Nous ne serons pas responsables des pertes, blessures ou dommages résultant de l'affichage ou de l'utilisation de ces informations. Les opinions exprimées par d'autres propriétaires de sites Web et par ceux qui fournissent des commentaires sont les leurs et ne reflètent pas nos opinions.
Informations complémentaires : Nous fournissons ce service d'information scientifique gratuitement et ne recueillons aucune information sur nos clients. Nous n'utilisons pas de cookies, Google Analytics, Google Adsense, ou tout autre service pour collecter des informations sur nos clients. Il s'agit d'un site à but non lucratif, pas d'argent n'est fait. Nous voulons donner et non pas prendre.
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