God's calendar or the biblical calendar has seven High Sabbaths, also called annual or feast Sabbaths (more information). The illustrations below show the feast days according to the Hebrew or Jewish calendar. The year 2020 offered a special feature because there was exactly the same sequence of days in the Passover as in the year Jesus was crucified, when He was resurrected after "3 days and 3 nights" (Mt 12:38-40) on a Sabbath morning (Mk 16:2; Mk 16:9; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1) on Nisan 17. Thus He fulfilled the sign of the Messiah (see Link). It was the most important sign in the history of mankind, which most Jews and Christians deny to this day (more info). At the Passover Festival 2020, the Jewish calendar according to Hillel (invented in the 4th century AD) and the calendar of the Bible fell on the same days, so it was particularly easy to determine the calendar days (more information on God's calendar).

Jewish Calendar Shabbat ha-Gadol on the 10th of Nisan
Shabbat ha-Gadol (Palm-Sabbath) on the 10th of Nisan

The year 2020 is also interesting because the Israelites themselves say that the sequence of weekdays at the Passover was exactly the same as in the year when the first Passover was instituted in Egypt. Specifically, this means that the 10th of Nisan fell on a Sabbath when the first Passover lamb was set apart. Therefore, the Israelites call it the "great Sabbath" (Shabbat ha-Gadol), because from that day on, the salvation of the people was officially established and great miracles occurred. After that, on the 14th of Nisan (Wednesday) the first Passover lamb was slaughtered, and during the night of the 15th of Nisan (Thursday) the Exodus from Egypt took place. This is confirmed by very many old and new Jewish sources. See the chapter Shabbat ha-Gadol on Nisan 10. Thus, Jesus perfectly fulfilled the symbolism of the Passover lamb. He died, according to God's calendar, on the same day and even at the same time that the Passover lambs had to be slaughtered. Therefore, Jesus abolished any further slaughter of the lambs in the temple, because the entire sacrificial ceremony was a symbol on Him and His saving act for us, which has now been fulfilled to the fullest extent. 

Passion Week Shabbat ha-Gadol on the 10th of Nisan, Jewish Calendar
Shabbat ha-Gadol on the 10th of Nisan 2020 and 2023

In the year of Jesus' crucifixion there was no „Palm Sunday,“ but rather a „Palm Sabbath“. See Shabbat ha-Gadol on Nisan 10

The 3 High Sabbaths in Spring and Summer 2020

Caledar Bible 2020, biblical feast days, 14th Nisan Wednesday
The 2020 biblical feast days with the 14th of Nisan on a Wednesday and the 17th of Nisan on a weekly Sabbath

The following table shows the counting of the 7 weekly Sabbaths in 2020 in the Jewish calendar. It also shows the other years in which the 10th Nisan falls on a Sabbath (Shabbat ha-Gadol), the 14th Nisan (preparation day) on a Wednesday, the 15th Nisan (High Sabbath) on a Thursday and the 17th Nisan on the „first Sabbath“. All dates correspond to the Jewish calendar, which differs from God's calendar in some years. 

counting 7 Sabbaths between Passover Nisan 15 and Pentecost 2020
The counting of the 7 Sabbaths between Passover (Nisan 15) and Pentecost 2020

The seven High Sabbaths (Feasts) of the year

7 high Sabbaths Bible, Jewish Calendar, Feasts, Festivals Kalendar of God
The 7 high Sabbaths or feasts of the Bible (God's calendar) and their symbolic meaning

The 4 High Sabbaths in Autumn 2020

Jewish calendar 2020, Calendar Bible, autum feasts, yom teruah
The biblical autumn feast days of 2020 fall on the same days in the mathematical Jewish calendar and in God's astronomical calendar


Note: The above illustrations show the biblical Holy Days of 2020 according to the Jewish calendar. The calendar of God mentioned in the Bible is a purely astronomical calendar in which the first day of the month always begins with the first visible crescent of the moon (the new light) over Jerusalem. However, the Jewish calendar is based on statistical averages, not always paying attention to the first visible crescent of the moon. Therefore, the actual holidays in God's calendar can differ from the Jewish calendar by 1-3 days in some years. In 2020, there is a special feature because the mathematical Jewish calendar and God's astronomical biblical calendar fell on the exact same days during Passover and during the 3 autumn feast days. Thus, anyone can easily recognize the 14th of Nisan on a Wednesday, the 3 Sabbaths during Passover 2020 and the 7 Sabbaths until Pentecost (Friday, May 29, 2020) in any online Jewish calendar. This exact same sequence of days during Passover also existed in the year Jesus was crucified and the 14th of Nisan falls statistically about every third year on a Wednesday. 


The biblical feast days according to the Jewish calendar - PDF
At Passover 2020, the holidays fell on the same days in the Jewish calendar and in God's calendar.
Adobe Acrobat Document 746.9 KB









 "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil"

(1Thess 5:21-22)







"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them"

(Eph 5:11)