6.7 Sunday was made the „Lord's Day“

It is often heard that Sunday is referred to as „Lord's Day“. In the Modern Greek language, Sunday is therefore called in the short form Κυριακή (Kyriake= Lord's Day). It is also similar in the Romance languages, where the names are derived from the Latin Dominus (Lord), e.g. Domingo (Spanish, Portuguese) or Domenica (Italian).

Is Sunday the new „Lord's Day“?

First of all, a question is in order: who actually has the right to call a certain day of the week the „Lord's Day“ or the „Day of God“? Is it statesmen, lawyers, soldiers or priests? Individual governments, churches or sects can designate any day of the week as a day of rest, but we must leave it to God and Jesus Himself to decide which day should be the „Day of God“ or the „Day of the Lord Jesus Christ“. If the Bible is to be the Word of God and the „Holy Scriptures“, as the Catholic Church itself teaches, then the answer to this important question can of course only be found in the Bible and not in the books of philosophers or sects.


Sunday is often referred to as the NEW Lord's Day of Jesus because the resurrection of Jesus supposedly took place on this day, giving it a new meaning. In fact, however, this day turns out not to be a new one, but an ancient Lord's Day that existed many centuries before the resurrection of Jesus. Is Sunday a Lord's Day? Yes, without a doubt, it is the ancient Lord's Day of the pagans, the well-known „Day of the Lord Sol“ or the „Day of the Sun God“, the Roman bringer of light, the Sol Invictus (Latin: unconquered sun god). This is why the sun is his symbol and this day was named "Sun Day" in honor of the sun god and not "Jesus Day" in honor of Jesus. In the OT and NT, the Bible as a whole only recognizes the Sabbath as God's Day or Jesus' Lord's Day. A distinction must therefore be made between the biblical Lord's Day "Sabbath" and the non-biblical pagan Lord's Day "Sunday". There are significant differences between the two Lord's Days:

1. Name: "Shabbat" means "cessation/rest", but Sunday means „day of the sun“ or „day of Sol“ (Latin: dies solis). The Latin word Sol means sun, but it is also the name of the „great sun god“, who was called Ra in ancient Egypt and Helios in Greece. The sun god was the most important god of the pagan peoples, which is why the first day of the week was dedicated to him. To this day, the name of Sun-day alone reveals how it is to be assessed and to whom this day really belongs, because we are not talking about „Jesus Day“ or „Christ Day“, but only about Sun Day, i.e. a day that is NOT named in honor of Jesus, but in honor of the great sun god Sol Invictus, the Lord of the Gentiles. In other words, it is the „day of Sol“, hence its name "Sunday" and not the name of Jesus! The biblical first day of the week had no special name in either the Old Testament (OT) or the New Testament (NT). It was simply called "First" or "First Day" (Hebrew: Yom Rishon) because it was one of six ordinary working days. It was never a holiday, on the contrary, it was the first day of the week on which work had to be done according to the Bible. The „first day of the week" was never given a special name by Jesus because this day was never important to Jesus. The interpretation of „Sunday as the 8th day“ is also misleading, because the question is: does the week now have 8 days since the resurrection of Jesus? No, it still only has 7 days and Sunday is still the first day of the pagan week, in which all days begin and end in the dark of night (midnight). But the biblical "first day" of the biblical week always begins and ends at sunset (see definition day). Therefore, sunrise in the morning is always the middle of a biblical day. Sunday therefore has nothing to do with the Holy Scriptures, which is why Sunday is not mentioned once by name in the entire Bible (OT + NT). It is an unbiblical day.

2. The Purpose: From the beginning, the Sabbath has been centered on rest (hence the name), but Sunday has been centered on a person (hence the name), namely the sun and thus the sun god Sol, who wants to be worshipped on the day that belongs to him, Sunday. The whole world should rest in his honor on Sunday. It is the day of sun worship. The Sabbath honors the Creator, but Sunday honors the created sun and the created sun god, the fallen angel. The people of God honor the Creator, but the pagans worship the creation.

3. Temporal Origin: The Sabbath has existed since the beginning of man's creation, but Sunday only came into being much later among the pagan peoples (Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Germanic tribes...); no one knows exactly when. It is a purely pagan invention of powers that reject and rebel against God's calendar. Instead, the Roman Julian calendar and later the catholic Gregorian calendar became binding for everyone. As a result, most Christians did not even know that a biblical calendar of God existed. It is unclear when Sunday was first designated as Jesus' new Lord's Day, because the first Christian early church did not even know this practice, as the entire NT impressively proves. If someone were to ask a Jew or a Christian at the time of the apostles which day was the so-called "Lord's Day", they would all answer that it could only be the biblical Sabbath. There was no other idea and the early Christian church did not celebrate Sunday. However, as early as the first century after Jesus' death, numerous Christian groups emerged in the great Roman Empire that were less oriented towards the Bible and were interested in a compromise with the Roman religion in order to avoid problems. This led to a mixture of Christian and pagan practices/traditions and the old Lord's Day of the sun god was designated as the new Lord's Day of Jesus, which was now also to be used to worship the Lord Jesus and to rest. It was simply said: „if the world celebrates the first day of the week, then we can also rest on this day“. In order to speed up this process, the fairy tale was invented according to which Jesus was supposedly resurrected „on a Sunday“, although the basic Greek text and the translations into Latin (Vetus Latina, Vulgate) and Gothic only speak of „a Sabbath“. However, Sunday only became binding as the new Lord's Day for Christians in 321 AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (*270-288; †337) officially established the so-called "dies solis" (Sunday) as a public holiday for all people (pagans and Christians). This meant that both followers of the cult of Mithras and Christians had the same public holiday, which was generally referred to as "Lord's Day" (Greek: Κυριακή; Latin: dies domini, Dominus). Over time, Christians were no longer able to distinguish between the two Lord's Days and sincerely thought that Sunday was the new holy day of God. As many at the time did not have access to the Bible, which was written on parchment (animal skins) or papyrus and therefore extremely expensive, many adopted this Sunday doctrine and continued to spread it from generation to generation. However, throughout the centuries there have been excellent Bible translations in which the women came to the tomb „on a Sabbath morning“ or „on a Saturday morning“. So while the alleged Resurrection Sunday was preached orally in the church, the Bibles have always contained the true Resurrection Sabbath. We have published numerous original sources with correct translations from all centuries on this website (see Old Bibles), most of which do not speak of the alleged resurrection of Jesus „on a Sunday“, but „on a Sabbath/Saturday“.

4. The Creator: God created the Sabbath, people created Sunday to replace the Sabbath. John and Paul emphasize that the entire world was created by the one who was called "the Word" and later took on human form. This reveals that the Sabbath was also made by Jesus himself (John 1:1-18; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:2). Only now does it really become clear why Jesus calls himself the „Lord of the Sabbath“ (Mt 12:8; Mk 2:27; Lk 6:5), but never the „Lord of the Sunday“. He made and instituted the Sabbath, which is why He can call himself Lord of this day. Nowhere did Jesus abolish the Sabbath or replace it with the „day of the sun god“. It is not logical why Jesus would desecrate His day and elevate a pagan day instead? He also never said that He wanted to be honored on the „day of the sun“ and that the Sabbath should now be the preparation day for Sunday. Jesus was not even asked whether He wanted a new Lord's Day at all, it was simply decided by men that Jesus' new day should now be the „day of Sol“.

Emperor Aurelian (*214, †275) already regarded the sun god Sol as his personal patron and officially elevated him to „Lord of the Roman Empire“ (dominus imperii Romani). He was given the honorary name Sol invictus (Latin for invincible sun god) and his day of honour was Sunday, the Day of the Lord Sol. Under Emperor Constantine (*270-288, †337), it was made a public holiday for pagans and Christians, but the early Christian community did not celebrate Sunday at all. Just as there are two masters, there are also two Lord's Days. However, God created the Sabbath, people created Sunday.

5. Definition and Calendar: God designated and defined the SEVENTH day of the week (Sabbath) as the day of rest, but people designated and defined the FIRST day of the week (Sunday) as the day of rest. God created a calendar with feast days where the days last from sunset to sunset. But man invented his own calendar with his own completely new feast days, in which all days are counted from midnight to midnight. All the writers of the OT and also all the authors of the NT always counted the day from sunset, which is why the „first day of the week mentioned in the entire Bible never referred to Sunday, as this did not begin and end at sunset, but in the depth of night (at midnight) (see Days). This alone makes it clear that the evangelists could not have meant a Sunday as a Lord's Day. The only Lord's Day known in the Bible has always been the Sabbath. For people, Sunday may be the Lord's Day, but for God and Jesus it was always just the Sabbath. God worked on the first day of the week and rested on the seventh day of the week (Sabbath). The Bible never says that the day of rest should be postponed, and certainly not to the feast day of the demonic sun god of the Gentiles. Why would God abolish His own day of rest and His own calendar and instead introduce the pagan calendar of those who crucified our Lord Jesus Christ?

6. The Sign: The Sabbath was the sign of the Israelites and God and the entire Bible does not report that there should be a new sign for Christians. The elimination of an old sign and the introduction of a new sign would be a sensation that should have been explained in detail in the NT. But there is not a single word about it in the NT, because it is just an extra-biblical idea of people who want to keep their pagan Sunday holy and are looking for excuses with all their might to displace the Sabbath, which they dislike.

Exodus 31:12-13: „And the Lord said to Moses, ‘You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you.

7. Foundation and Authority: The Sabbath belongs to God, it is His day, as it says in many biblical passages, but Sunday belongs to the people, it is their day and it belongs to their sun god Sol, it is his day. That is why it bears his name to this day. The Sabbath is based on the Bible, but Sunday is based on the theological and governmental teachings and traditions of Egyptian, Babylonian, Roman and later also Germanic and other pagan cultures and their spiritual powers. God has blessed and sanctified the Sabbath, but men (priests and statesmen) have instituted and sanctified Sunday. God never sanctified Sunday, Sunday is the day NOT sanctified by God. The Sabbath was made by God and is the only day that received a blessing. God never desecrated the Sabbath and never made it a new day of preparation for a pagan day (Sunday) so that the whole world would forget the day of God and instead celebrate an ancient pagan day (Sunday), the feast day of those who crucified Jesus.

8. Occurrence in the Bible: Here too, there are huge differences between the two days, because we have a great amount of information about one day (Sabbath) and none at all about the other (Sunday). In the entire Old Testament, Sunday (beginning at midnight) is never mentioned, it simply does not exist, because it is a day of the Gentile nations, which was an ordinary working day for all the authors of the Bible and completely without significance. This did not change in the New Testament period either. Both during the lifetime of Jesus and during the entire time of the early church up to the writing of the Revelation of John, we cannot see that Sunday ever had any special significance. On the contrary, the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles speak of many Sabbaths, but not a single Sunday. It's funny, people want to persuade us that we should keep a new day that God has not even mentioned once, that is absolutely unimportant to him. The word Sabbath appears in the NT alone in all its forms a total of 70 times (cf. list of the 70 Sabbaths in the Interlinear translation), but Sunday is not mentioned once. There is not a single passage in the entire Bible that includes Sunday (Hλίου ημέρα or ημέρα του Ήλιου). If someone should nevertheless find the word "Sunday" in their poorly translated Bible, they will immediately recognize when looking at the basic Greek text that it actually speaks of the Sabbath in the singular (σαβββατου) and plural (σαβββατων). There are also many old and new Bibles worldwide that have been translated correctly and report the women coming to the tomb „on a Sabbath or „on a Saturday. Biblically, there cannot be two days of resurrection, where everyone can choose the one they want, but there is only one biblical day of resurrection, which was given the name "Sabbath" (not Sunday) exactly 7 times. No one has ever found Sunday in the basic Greek text and no one will find it there until the day of judgment before God, because God only ever speaks of the Sabbath.

Rev 1:10 as Proof for Sunday as Lord's Day?

When theologians are asked from which biblical passage they can recognize that Sunday is supposed to be Jesus' new Lord's Day, which is to abolish and replace the old biblical Lord's Day (Sabbath), they always mention Revelation 1:10-11, where it says: „εν τη κυριακη ημερα“ (en ti kyriaki hemera = on the Lord's Day):

ESV: „I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet (11) saying, Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches...“

KJV: „I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet...“

YLT: „I was in the Spirit on the Lord's-day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet...“

GNT: „On the Lord's day the Spirit took control of me, and I heard a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet...“

JUB: „I was in the Spirit in the day of the Lord and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet...“

NMB: „I was in the Spirit on a Sunday, and heard behind me a great voice, as if of a trumpet...“

However, Rev 1:10 does not define what is meant by the „Lord's Day“; it could be the Sabbath, the first day (Sunday), the fourth day (Wednesday) or the sixth day of the week (Friday) or the prophetic time at the end of the days.

Is Rev 1:10 really supposed to be proof that Sunday is the supposed day of the Lord? Is this seriously supposed to be proof? Firstly, these theologians overlook the fact that Sunday, which begins at midnight, follows a different calendar that God and the evangelists never used, which is why the mention of Sunday in the NT is always wrong. Secondly, the basic Greek text at this point reads „εν τη κυριακη ημερα“ (en ti kyriaki hemera), i.e. „on the Lord's Day“ or „on the day that belongs to the Lord“, as some write. The Bible means two things with the „day of the Lord" or the „Lord's Day":

1. The Sabbath day as the 7th day of the week. It is the day of God", as is often emphasized in the OT. And it is the day of Jesus, because he called himself Lord of the Sabbath (not: Lord of the Sunday). Biblically, the "Lord's Day" never meant the holiday of the Gentiles, especially not the Roman day of the Sol (= Sunday). For Sunday was the weekly holiday of those who crucified Jesus. And that is the weekly holiday on which the world rests today. However, the description of Sunday as the Lord's Day" is ALWAYS wrong, because every biblical day begins and ends at sunset, but a pagan Roman day (Sunday) begins and ends at midnight. Therefore, Jesus was never a Lord of Sunday" (Sunday does not occur once in the entire Bible), but only ever a Lord of the Sabbath (κυριος τοῦ σαββατου = kyrios tou sabbatou) in Mt 12:8; Mk 2:28 and Lk 6:5:

Mt 12:8 - κυριος τοῦ σαββατου:

KJV, YLT: For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.

ESV, GNT: For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.

Mk 2:28 - κυριος τοῦ σαββατου:

KJV: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

ESV, GNT: So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.

YLT: so that the son of man is lord also of the sabbath.

Lk 6:6 - κυριος τοῦ σαββατου:

KJV: And he said unto them, That the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

ESV, YLT: The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.

GNT: The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.

2. The prophetic period at the end of days, culminating with the coming of Jesus, called in the Hebrew Bible Day of Yahweh and translated in the Septuagint as Day of the Lord [ημεραν κυριου; hemeran Kyriou]. An example with the comparison of the ancient Greek texts of the LXX and the NT, where twice "ημεραν κυριου" (Acts 2:20 and Joel 2:31) says the exact same phrase:

Joel 2:31: The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord [ημεραν κυριου] comes.

Acts 2:20: the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord [ημεραν κυριου; hemeran Kyriou] comes (ESV).

This day is also called the day of Jesus or the day of the Lord Jesus Christ:

Phil 1:6: And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ [ημερας (hemeras, day) ιησου (Jesus) χριστου (Christ)].

On this Lord's Day" or Day of Jesus Christ, those who spread the false teachings that the pagan Sunday is supposed to be the new Lord's Day of Jesus will also be called to account. Then, at the latest, they will see what the Lord's Day of Jesus really means and what it does not mean.

The fact is: Sunday does not occur once in the entire Bible, so Sunday is never called the Lord's Day (or Day of the Lord) in the entire Bible. It is a pure invention of Roman rulers and their theologians. The two biblical meanings mentioned above have nothing to do with Sunday. Rather, John speaks of coming prophetic events that are to be communicated to the seven churches. And what is very important: even if there were talk of a weekly Lord's Day, it would first have to be clarified which day of the week it should be. Someone could just as well claim that Rev 1:10 refers to Wednesday or Friday (the alleged day of Jesus' crucifixion), so the speculation would be endless. In any case, the Bible itself knows of no other Lord's Day than the Sabbath alone. In other words, no one has yet been able to prove from the Bible that Sunday was supposed to be Jesus' Lord's Day, and no one will be able to do so in the future either. Both the OT and the NT only recognize the Sabbath as the only Lord's Day. So far, no one has been able to find Sunday or the week in the ancient Greek text of the NT, as it mentions the Sabbath 70 times and Sunday 0 times.


There is not a single passage in the entire Bible that connects the word Kyrios (κυριος, Lord) with Sunday. But anyone who studies the Hebrew OT and especially the Greek equivalent of the Septuagint (LXX) knows that the words Sabbath and Kyrios (Lord) often belong together and are mentioned in direct connection throughout the Bible. Some examples:

Ex 16:23: „κυριος σαββατα“ (Kyrios Sabbata = Lord Sabbath)
Ex 16:25: „σαββατα σημερον τω κυριω“ (Sabbaths to the Lord)
Lev 23:3b: „σαββατα εστιν τω κυριω“ (Sabbaths to the Lord)
Lev 23:38: „των σαββατων κυριου“ (the Sabbaths to the Lord)
Lev 25:2,4: „σαββατα τω κυριω“ (a Sabbaths to the Lord)
Dt 5:14: „τη δε ημερα τη εβδομη σαββατα κυριω τω θεω“ (but the day seventh is a Sabbath to the Lord, your God).


Interesting is the wording of Isa 58, which makes it clear which day is the Lord's Day, yet most church members ignore these clear words:

Is 58:13-14: „If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath [των σαββάτων, the Sabbaths; plural], from doing your pleasure on my holy day [ημερα], and call the Sabbath [τα σάββατα; plural] a delight and the holy day [ημερα] of the Lord [Theos, God] honorable; if you honor it, not going your own ways, or seeking your own pleasure, or talking idly (14) then you shall take delight in the Lord [κυριον, Kyrion, Lord]...“ [The text in square brackets comes from the Septuagint].

Can it be expressed more clearly which is the day of the Lord, or of God?


When the 10 Commandments were proclaimed, it was also made clear which day was the „Day of the Kyrios“ or the „Day of the Lord“:

Ex 20:10-11 (ESV): „but the seventh [εβδόμη = ebdon; not first!]  day [ημερα] is a sabbaths [σαββατα] to the Lord [κυριω] your God. On it you shall not do any work... (11) For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day [ημερα εβδόμη = day seventh; not Sunday] . Therefore the Lord [κυριος; Kyrios] blessed the Sabbath day [ημέραν εβδόμην = day seventh; not Sunday] and made it holy.“

In the Septuagint it says in Greek: "σαββατα κυριω" (Sabbata Kyrios, Sabbaths Lord), so it has always been clear which day is the Lord's Day (Kyrios Day). This has not changed at all in the NT. Only the Sabbath is the Lord's Day and not Sunday, nor Friday or any other day! Verse 11 says:

„Therefore the Lord [κυριος; Kyrios] blessed the Sabbath day [ημέραν εβδόμην = day seventh; not Sunday] and made it holy.“

The blessing and sanctification are therefore only on the seventh day and the Lord (κυριος, Kyrios) personally blessed this day and no other. Verse 11 in the Septuagint reads literally:

The Lord [κυριος; Kyrios] blessed the day seventh [ημέραν εβδόμην = hemeran ebdomin = day seventh]."

There is not the slightest indication in the Bible of an abolition or postponement or transfer of the blessing to Sunday, the first day of the week. There is also no prophetic evidence that could speak in favour of Sunday, quite the opposite, because the Bible reports that in the future, in the Millennial Kingdom, the Lord's Day Sabbath will be kept and not the Lord's Day Sunday. There are two Lords, namely Jesus and the Sun God, so there must also be two Lord's Days (day of the Lord), namely the Sabbath and Sunday.


It is not understandable why God should give up or abolish His own day (Sabbath) and now opt for a day of worship of the sun god (Sunday)? If there had been a shift in the weekly holiday after the resurrection of Jesus, it would have been a huge sensation that would have had to be explained in detail by Jesus and the apostles. The fact that these explanations are missing throughout the NT makes it clear that the first Christian church knew nothing about the introduction of a new „Lord's Day Sunday“. No Christian of the first New Testament church ever referred to Jesus as the „Lord of the Sunday“. Not only the Greek texts, but also the Latin Vulgate never mentions the „dies solis“ (Sunday), but only mentions the Sabbath (sabbati, sabbatorum) in connection with the Dominus (Lord). Even the Nova Vulgata, which originates from the Vatican, connects the Sabbath with the Dominus (Lord) and translates Exodus 20:10:

„septimus autem dies sabbatum Domino Deo tuo est“ = Seventh but day Sabbath Lord God is yours.

and in verse Ex 20:11 reads:

„dcirco benedixit Dominus diei sabbati et sanctificavit eum“ = literally: therefore blessed the Lord day Sabbath and sanctified it.

Dominus diei sabbati“ means „Lord of the day Sabbath“ (Ex 20:10f), which is strongly reminiscent of the New Testament repetition „Dominus est Filius hominis etiam sabbati“ (Lord is the Son of Man over the Sabbath; Lk 6:5). The Latin Bible does not translate „Lord of Sunday" („Dominus dominicalis or Dominus dies solaris). It speaks of „Dominus sabbati“. Neither the Greek nor the Latin text mentions anything about a so called „Sunday Lord's Day“.


Which day is Jesus' Lord's Day? The answer is clearly stated in the Bible: „The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath“ (κυριος του σαββατου, Mt 12:8). Jesus himself never called himself the „Lord of the first day of the week“ or Lord of the day of the sun“, but only „Lord of the Sabbath“ (Mt 12:8; Mk 2:27; Lk 6:5), just as the God of the OT called himself. But according to John, it was "the Word", i.e. Jesus himself, who created the entire earth and therefore also the Sabbath. Incidentally, this is also the view of many in the Catholic Church who have dealt with the "the Word" referred to by John.

„And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth“ (cf. John 1:1-18).

So the Sabbath was created and introduced by Jesus. It is His day! Therefore, only He may call himself „Lord of the Sabbath“ and NOBODY else. Therefore, only He may determine what can and cannot be done on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the first and therefore the oldest feast day in the history of mankind. Why should God have abolished it? Jesus also did not say that Sunday was made for man's sake, but „the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath“ (Mark 2:27). No evangelist ever mentioned that „Sunday was made for man“ as a new day of rest. Even the animals were to rest on the Sabbath (Ex 20:10) and we cannot see that Sunday is now to be their new day of rest. The priests and statesmen appointed their God Sol as the Lord of Sunday, but Jesus was and is the Lord of the Sabbath.


The Greek word κυριος (Lord; or Dominus in the Latin Vulgate) is one of the most common words in the Bible. The evangelists could therefore have easily written that the women came to the tomb „on a day of the Lord“ or „on a day of the sun (Sunday)“. But both the basic Greek text and the Latin translation only speak of „a day of the Sabbaths“, i.e. a normal Sabbath day (see the chapter Day of the Sabbaths and Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; Mk 16:9; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1; Jn 20:19). Anyone with even a little knowledge of the ancient Greek and modern Greek languages knows that there is a huge difference between the words sabbaton (σαββατων), Kyrios (Κύριος) and sun (ήλιος, Helios).


The intensity of the manipulation of the biblical word is impressively demonstrated in modern Greek Bible translations f.e. of Luke 24:1. While the basic Greek text speaks of „τη δε μια των σαβββατων“, which can easily be translated as „on one [day] of the Sabbaths“ or „on a Sabbath day“, the Logos New Testament (Modern Text, 2004) suddenly speaks of „Την Κυριακή“ [Kyriake, on the Lord's Day=on Sunday]. What an extreme difference in the same language!


Even IF Christ had risen on a Sunday (which can be excluded 100% biblically), there is not the slightest command in the Bible to sanctify this day. And there is also no command to call it Jesus' Lord's Day.


Have two Lords and a day together? No! Each Lord has his own day of honor! In any case, the writers of the Bible did not define Sunday as their Lord's Day, but rather the Sabbath. God does not accept man's definition that the day of Sol (see name Sunday) should now also be the day of Jesus. Neither Jesus, nor the apostles, nor the entire first Christian church ever gave Sunday even the slightest significance. For them, it was a normal working day that did not even have a special name and the Sabbath was never the preparation day for Sunday. This idea alone is absurd. Jesus has his own day and He has no need to let people dictate another day to him, which was consecrated to the pagan gods and still bears the name of the pagan sun god Sol (Sunday) rather than the name of Jesus. To this day, the name reveals to whom this day belongs and who is actually worshipped on this day. Once again: just as there are two Lords, there are also two Lord's Days in the week, namely the Sabbath as the day of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and Sunday as the day of the Lord Sol Invictus, the sun god, in whose honor this day is named to this day: SUN-day.

New Revelations of the Spirit for the New Lord's Day?

Some churches and sects quote the Gospel of John: „When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13). With this passage, they want to persuade people that the Spirit of God has allegedly instituted a new Lord's Day Sunday through their respective church leader, which the Bible does not recognize, and that the Day of God (Sabbath) has been erased at the same time. But this is a deception, because the Spirit does not contradict itself. Otherwise, people could come up with all sorts of new doctrines and claim that the Spirit had revealed it to them, in which case we would no longer need the Bible. The NT warns us not to listen to these people, because Jesus does not change:

Hebr 13:7-8: „Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.“

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explicitly said that He had not come to abolish the law and the prophets. This also applies to the Sabbath (Mt 5:17), because Jesus never said that the weekly holiday (Sabbath) should be moved to a new weekly holiday Sunday, the same one that the Gentile nations celebrate to worship their demonic sun gods/deities. Paul urgently warned against new teachings, including the new gospel of Sunday sanctification:

Gal 1:6-9: „I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel - 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

It is not plausible why God should deal with such an important topic secretly and not publicly in the Bible. The Sabbath is also a symbol for the Millennial Kingdom (after 6,000 years, i.e. 6 days of human reign) and it stands for the kingdom of the Messiah, whereas Sunday does not, it is a day without symbolic meaning in the entire Bible.

Our faith is based on the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles and not on the new revelations of people who teach otherwise. Regarding these alleged new inspirations of some priests and sects, the Lord Jesus personally warned them that they would lose their eternal life if they removed or added even minor details from the Bible:

Rev 22:18-19: „I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them [e.g. that Sunday is supposed to be Jesus' new Lord's Day and the Sabbath mentioned in the resurrection chapter is supposed to mean Sunday], God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away [e.g. the Sabbath] from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.“

The Lord said:

Mt 18:6-7: „but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!“

When it comes to the Bible, Jesus can't take a joke, because false doctrines are created by church interpretations and people are thereby led away from the way of God and His biblical calendar to a senseless worship on the pagan Lord's Day of Sol, the day of the sun (Sunday), which follows a pagan and Roman Catholic calendar:

Mt 15:9: „in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.“

It is foolish to keep a Lord's Day Sunday which the Bible does not mention once and which is a pure invention of men! But the resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath is described 7 times in the NT by 4 writers from different perspectives and in the singular (early on the first Sabbath; Mk 16:9) and plural (on the one of the Sabbaths; see Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1). It could not be clearer (see Interlinear Bible).


The turbo resurrection of Jesus that many theologians and pastors wanted never happened, but rather He fulfilled the sign of the Messiah (3 days and 3 nights):

Turbo resurrection Sabbath Sunday Jesus Passion week passover
There was no turbo resurrection of Jesus, but the sign of the Messiah: "3 days and 3 nights"


Sunday is not and never was the day of the Lord Jesus, but it was and still is the day of the Lord Sol, the pagan sun god, after whom this first day of the pagan week is named to this day as "Sunday" (not "Jesus Day" or "Christ Day"). Only the Sabbath is the biblical "Lord's Day", whereby this term also refers to the prophetic phase of judgment on the earth at the end of 6,000 years of human history. From a biblical perspective, Sunday is a normal working day on which the Lord Jesus did not rise from the dead and on which we have to work instead of resting. The only biblical day of rest and the only day of the Lord is the Sabbath. Everything else are teachings of political and religious rulers based on ancient cultures and teachings of demons. There are two Lords and therefore two Lord's Days: on the 7th day of the biblical week (Sabbath) and on the first day of the pagan week (Sunday). Which lord do you follow?












 "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil"

(1Thess 5:21-22)






"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them"

(Epheser 5:11)