The Sabbath Resurrection, Summary: As could be shown in the previous chapters, the Bible has always taught the resurrection of Jesus "on a Sabbath morning". More precisely, it was the "first Sabbath" in the counting of the seven Sabbaths until Pentecost. It is not logical why God mentions the Sabbath 70 times in the New Testament (NT) and always refers to this day, except in the few passages that report the resurrection of Jesus. Here all of a sudden the 100% exactly the same word "Sabbath/s" (in singular and plural) is supposed to mean "Sunday", the "week" or "after the Sabbath". Here the manipulation of theologians becomes clear. And why were modern Bibles translated incorrectly? The answer is clear: To deny the "sign of the Messiah". Anyone who does not know the calendar of God described in the Old Testament (OT) has no right to make any commentary on the day of Jesus' resurrection, as he cannot possibly understand the statements of the evangelists.
What is the SIGN of the Messiah?
Mt 12:38-40: "Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” 39 But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
The words of Jesus do not contradict the further statements in the New Testament, but quite the contrary, they show full agreement and harmony with all other Bible passages which indirectly also report of the "3 days and 3 nights". The solution to the question of the day of Jesus' resurrection is so simple that most people do not even think of it. The four Evangelists speak seven times about the resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath morning (Mt 28:1a;1b; Mk 16:2,9; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1,19). The day of resurrection is not circumscribed by any of them, but clearly named "Sabbath" by his name. There is only one clearly defined day that bears this name. Only the knowledge of God's biblical calendar opens the understanding of the course of New Testament events at the last Passover feast of Jesus. Whoever does not have this foundation can NOT understand the New Testament words and statements such as "preparation day", "High Sabbath", "on one of the Sabbaths", "on a day of the Sabbaths" or "on the first Sabbath". Therefore, he cannot translate the basic Greek text into other languages, because he does not know what the evangelists actually meant. It is not complicated, but very simple, also because there are many Jewish calendars which even today reveal to us in a few years the same sequence of feast days as in the year in which Jesus was crucified. This was also the case in the year 2020. The calendar of God has never changed, as it is based on the course of the sun and the moon. Even the seven weekly Sabbaths until Pentecost can be determined each year in a Jewish/Hebrew calendar in a few minutes exactly with date. For those who do not know the calendar of God described in the books of Moses, the most important facts are given in brief. Knowledge is a prerequisite for being able to understand the statements of the NT at all. For the New Testament speaks of the resurrection of Jesus on His day, the Sabbath, and not on the day of his murderers, Sunday:
There is not only one, but even seven biblical proofs that Jesus rose from the dead on His day, the Sabbath. These are not new findings, but ancient Christian basic knowledge, as numerous correctly translated Bibles prove.
An undeniable fact is that in the entire basic text of the NT the words "Sunday" (Hλίου ημέρα = Heliou hemera) or "week" (εβδομαδα = ebdomada; literally: seven) are never used. So their mention in a translation of the NT is always wrong. For the Romans a day ended and began at midnight. But for the scribes of the NT a calendar day always began and ended after sunset. So the use of the words Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday etc. ALWAYS wrong:
Some theologians have made the horrible claim that the evangelists allegedly did not know the corresponding Greek word for "week", so they would be forced to paraphrase it with Sabbaths. This is completely wrong, because the Greek "week" (εβδομαδα, ebdomada; literally: a period of seven) is even found in the Greek Old Testament Bible, the Septuagint. It was already created in Alexandria 200 years before the birth of Jesus, by the Jews themselves. This word was known to all Greek speaking Jewish and Gentile children. It existed even before the English, German and Spanish languages existed and can also be found in non-biblical literature. If the word "week" had not existed in the Greek language, the evangelists could have simply mentioned that the women came to the grave "after [οπισω, μετα] the Sabbath". But what did they write instead, and what day of the week did they mention seven times? Answer: "on one of the Sabbaths" of the Passover Feast. More precisely, Jesus rose from the dead "early on the first Sabbath" (Mark 16:9), the first of the seven weekly Sabbaths that have been counted for 3,500 years (according Moses' Law) up to Pentecost. After that follows the "second Sabbath", the "third Sabbath", etc., and after the "seventh Sabbath" always follows the feast of Pentecost. What is difficult to understand about this? Anyone who removes the "Sabbath" and adds the "Sunday" here, sins twice, because he takes away from the Bible and adds something new. The three clearly defined Greek words „μια των σαββατων“ (one of the Sabbaths) can only mean one day of the week and not two, where everyone can choose one.
There are weekly and yearly Sabbaths: most Christians do not even know that the Bible has its own calendar. We are not talking about just any calendar, but about the calendar that God has personally introduced. So it is the "calendar of God" (more info). Therefore most Christians don't even know that there are seven annual Sabbaths besides the weekly Sabbaths. So they cannot understand the statements in the chapter on resurrection in the New Testament at all, and so cannot translate them correctly into other languages either. God is the inventor of the week. It consists of seven days and the Sabbath is the last, that is to say the 7th day of the week. It is the only day on which God rested. It is also the only day that has ever been sanctified and blessed by God. Sunday is a day not sanctified by God. This sanctification has never been postponed to another day and there has never been a "desacralization" of the Sabbath and a degradation to a new preparation day for Sunday in the Bible. Anyone who disagrees with this, let him prove it with the Bible.
The Sabbath must not be equated with Saturday: All biblical days begin and end at sunset, but all Roman days of our present calendar always begin and end in the deepest night (midnight). In the entire Bible, of course, only the biblical (or Hebrew) days are always meant, and never the pagan (or Roman, or Catholic) days. Therefore the names of our days of the week (Friday, Saturday, Sunday...) must never appear in a Bible translation, even if it is well meant. Their mention is always wrong. The Sabbath is therefore not the Saturday either, but it always begins and ends at sunset, so it lasts from Friday evening to Saturday evening (after sunset). In addition to the weekly Sabbaths, God has also appointed seven movable annual Sabbaths as especially holy day of rest or feast days. These are therefore called "High Sabbaths", "Great Sabbaths", "Feast Sabbaths" or "Annual Sabbaths". They should not be confused with the ordinary (small or normal) weekly Sabbaths. The seven yearly Sabbaths fall on different weekdays from year to year, but the position of the weekly Sabbath as the 7th day of the week never changes, of course. A yearly Sabbath can also fall on a weekly Sabbath in some years, in which case we are talking about a "double Sabbath", since two Sabbaths are on the same calendar day. The biblical year begins in spring, when life begins. The first Hebrew month is Nisan (also called Aviv; Ex 12:1-20). It begins, like all other Hebrew months, always at new moon, more precisely: when the first crescent of the moon can be seen. The first Sabbath of the year is always on the 15th of Nisan, that is, exactly in the middle of the first month. Since every biblical month always begins at new moon (first crescent sighting), the 15th Nisan is always at full moon. The Israelites left Egypt at full moon and Jesus was in the tomb at full moon. By his death he freed us from the death penalty, he was the light in this dark world. The second festival Sabbath is on the 21st Nisan (last day of the Passover festival) and the 3rd yearly Sabbath is Pentecost (Shawuot, festival of weeks). So during the 7-day Passover festival there is not only one, but even three Sabbaths, namely the two High or Feast Sabbaths (15th and 21st Nisan) with the one weekly Sabbath in between.
There are seven Sabbaths until Pentecost: Each year, after the first High Sabbath of the year (15th Nisan, Passover), seven ordinary weekly Sabbaths (7x7=49 +1 days) are counted until the third High Sabbath of Pentecost. Therefore, this feast is also called "Week-Feast" (Hebrew Shawout = feast of weeks). It is calculated according to the calendar determined by God, which is described in the Bible, and not the Catholic (Gregorian) calendar of today. Therefore the biblical day of Pentecost (High Sabbath) rarely falls on a Sunday. The "first weekly Sabbath" of this series of seven is between the first (15th Nisan) and the second annual Sabbath (21st Nisan). It is both the "first Sabbath" after the annual Passover Sabbath (15th Nisan) and the "first Sabbath" of a series of seven weekly Sabbaths until Pentecost. These 7 weekly Sabbaths have been counted every year since Moses (i.e. for 3,500 years) until today, and are very easy to record in any Jewish (Hebrew) calendar. In the Bible the counting up to the feast of Pentecost is described in detail:
Lev 23:15-16 (ESV): “You shall count seven full weeks [literally: "seven whole sabbaths"] from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. 16 You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the Lord."
Lev 23:15-16 (KJV): And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: 16 even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord."
So if there is a "seventh Sabbath" (or the "last Sabbath"), then there must of course also be a "first Sabbath" and a "second Sabbath" and so on. So the phrase mentioned by Mark, "early on the first Sabbath" (Mk 16:9) has been understood by every child in the Jewish and the first Christian congregation. Today, on the other hand, very few Christians know this saying, because they reject the Old Testament and do not want to know anything about a calendar of God. They want to orient themselves solely to the Catholic calendar and count the Sundays in Advent or the Sundays until Pentecost. Anyone who does not agree with the fact that there is the "first Sabbath" every year at the Passover feast and wants to argue, should simply explain how Mark should have expressed it in ancient Greek that he actually means the "first Sabbath"? There is only one possibility for this, namely the one he used in Mk 16:9. It could not be clearer. Seeing that there are three Sabbaths on the feast of the Passover, it is also understandable why the writers of the Gospels spoke of women going to their graves on "one of the Sabbaths" (μια των σαββατων), that is to say early, on the "first Sabbath" after Passover. However, the plural "sabbaton" (σαββατων) has always served, because of special rules in the ancient Greek language, to describe even a single Sabbath day in the singular. This is impressively demonstrated in the Septuagint, for here too the same word "Sabbath/s" appears several times in the plural form (Ex 20:8-10), and no one can seriously claim that God supposedly meant "Sunday" or the "week".
The words and phrases used by the evangelists in the ancient Greek language were understood by every child at the time of the constitution of the New Testament, since the first Christians were all descended from Judaism and thus knew the calendar of God since childhood. So when the New Testament speaks of women literally coming to the tomb "on one of the Sabbaths", then two things can be meant by this, namely either one of the three Sabbaths during the Passover feast or on the one (or first) of the total of seven weekly Sabbaths up to Pentecost. Matthew speaks of the evening (dark phase) of the Sabbath when it just began to get light, meaning the middle of a Sabbath day (Mt 28:1). Every child who knows the calendar of God understands this. Mark, Luke and John also speak of the "one of the Sabbaths" (see Interlinear Bible). In order to avoid misunderstandings, Mark has made it much easier for us, because in Mk 16:9 he clearly calls this Sabbath by its name "first Sabbath". So he meant nothing else but the first weekly Sabbath after the Passover (15th Nisan), that is, the first Sabbath of a series of seven weekly Sabbaths, which have been counted every year for 3,500 years until today. So it is not about the "first day of the week" or about "Sunday", but about the "first Sabbath", which is a big difference. Mark literally says "early first Sabbath" (in the singular genitive), so there is only one way to translate it correctly, namely "early of the first Sabbath". All other translations (e.g. "on Sunday" or "on the first day of the week") are falsifications of the Word of God. The evangelists have mentioned the Sabbath seven times (Mt 28:1a;1b; Mk 16:2,9; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1,19). If they had meant Sunday or the week, they would have said it, because the word "week" had been known for centuries in Greek literature, including the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the OT and the writings of Flavius Josephus, who lived at the same time and in the same geographical area as the evangelists. The fact is and remains for all eternity: All evangelists mention the "Sabbath" in the singular and plural in the New Testament, so that there can be no misunderstandings at all among Jews and Christians. So anyone who says that the evangelists had to talk about the Sabbath when they supposedly meant the "week" or "Sunday" is demonstrably lying to the whole of Christianity. He falsifies the Word of God.
There are 3 Sabbaths and 3 days of preparation for the Passover: Every year there is not only one Sabbath for the 7-day Passover (Pesach), but 3 Sabbaths within one week. These are the two High Sabbaths on the 15th and 21st Nisan with a small weekly Sabbath in between. So after the Sabbath is always before the Sabbath, because there are 3 Sabbaths within only 7 weekdays. But if there are 3 Sabbaths in the Passa week, then there must be not only one, but 3 preparation days, namely the two preparation days before the great Sabbaths and the one preparation day before the weekly Sabbath. So the preparation day (14th Nisan) for the Passa (15th Nisan) must never be equated with Friday, but it can also fall on all other weekdays, often on a Wednesday:
The 14th Nisan was a Wednesday: The preparation day of the 14th Nisan very often falls on a Wednesday, statistically about every 3rd year. This was also the case with the introduction of the first Passover festival at the time of Moses (when Israel left Egypt, Exodus) and also in the year when Jesus was crucified. Everyone who reads this text now has often experienced in his life exactly the same sequence of days at the Passover Feast as in the year in which Jesus was crucified. If Christians would pay attention to the Old Testament and the calendar of God, they would never have problems to understand the statements of the evangelists, because they themselves have often experienced the same sequence of days as in the year Jesus was crucified. For those who know the calendar of God, it is very easy to determine the first Sabbath, the second Sabbath ... and the seventh Sabbath for each year exactly. Only the knowledge of God's biblical calendar opens the understanding of the New Testament events at the Passover feast. It should be noted, however, that the biblical calendar is a purely astronomical calendar that is based only on the state of the moon (first visible crescent of the moon at the beginning of the month). But the Jewish calendar is a mathematical calendar, which in most years corresponds to the biblical calendar, but in some years the feasts can be shifted from God's calendar by one or two days (in extreme cases even by one month if there is a leap year). In the year 2020 there was exactly the same sequence of days at Passover as in the year in which our Lord Jesus died for our sins:
Jesus died in a year between 30 and 34 AD. All scholars agree on this. According to astronomical data and numerous other sources, the 14th Nisan fell on a Wednesday in the years 30, 31 and 34 AD. The table below shows the date in the Julian (Roman) calendar, which was inaccurate and was replaced by the Gregorian (Catholic) calendar from 1582 onwards. Of course, the conversion does not change the days of the week, but only their number, whereby 2 days must be subtracted. Example: April 5, 30 A.D. in the Julian calendar corresponds to April 3, 30 in the Gregorian calendar:
The following table shows the first month of Nisan from the 10th to the 21st Nisan. Exactly the same sequence of days as the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and the last Passover of Jesus is very common. Statistically, about every third year. The Jewish calendar can be found on many websites and shows the date according to the current Gregorian (Catholic) calendar:
Since many theologians are desperate to find Sunday in the Bible, they create contradictions, so that in their long theology studies at university they learn to question the Bible (=the Word of God) and prefer to listen to church dogmas. An alleged contradiction between Mk 16:1 and Lk 23:55-56 is quoted again and again. The Bible mentions on the one hand that the women prepared the ointments AFTER the Sabbath, and in another passage that it is said to have been BEFORE the Sabbath, and that they came to the tomb "ON the Sabbath". Many do not understand these contradictions and speak of an allegedly insoluble question. However, if the theologians had studied God's calendar, they would have had no problems understanding the Bible. The women prepared the ointments "when the [High] Sabbath had passed" (Mark 16:1) and came to the tomb "early on the first [weekly] Sabbath" (Mark 16:9). This seems to be a contradiction only for those who do not know the calendar of God. For all others it is logical and easy to understand. So there must have been at least one working day between the two Sabbaths. A resurrection of Jesus after a double Sabbath is therefore just as impossible as after two consecutive Sabbaths. The following table shows the 3 Sabbaths and 3 days of preparation during the seven-day Passover:
Jesus himself clearly defined his sign of the Messiah for all Jews, all Christians and the whole world. Jesus did not speak of 1.5 days, nor of 72 hours, but of "3 days and 3 nights". Jesus could not have said it more clearly. So the time directly after his death or his stay "in the heart of the earth" must at least have a share of "3 days and 3 nights". According to Jesus' own words, it is therefore completely impossible that he was crucified on Good Friday and resurrected already on Easter Sunday, because then, even with a generous calculation, at least one full night would be missing. That is why some priests and pastors portray Jesus as a liar, who allegedly spoke only symbolically of "3 days and 3 nights", but supposedly meant only half. So why so complicated and why should Jesus confuse us? Why did Jesus not say "after 1.5 days" or "after 2 days and 2 nights"? Jesus is the Son of God, he knew exactly what he meant and what he did not mean. Symbolically it is only for those who have to twist the word of Jesus, because they wish with all their might for the resurrection of Jesus on a Sunday. In Israel, a day that had begun was considered the first day, regardless of how far it had progressed. In addition, after the death of Jesus there were a full 3 hours until the change of the calendar day at sunset (6 pm). In our cultural circle this is calculated the same way, because if, for example, a baby is born only a few minutes before the change of day, this birthday counts as the first day, even if it only lasted a few minutes or even seconds. Jesus was dead for 3 hours on the 14th Nisan and was also in the tomb on the 14th Nisan, as all work was strictly forbidden on the 15th Nisan (High Sabbath) and everyone had to go home after the burial so that they could celebrate the Passover festival. In the opinion of many scholars, Jesus' body therefore lay in the tomb for at least one hour on the 14th Nisan. However, we do not need to argue about this, because the 14th Nisan counts as the first day anyway, even if not the 3 hours after Jesus' death are counted, but even if Jesus was only a few minutes in the tomb on the 14th Nisan. Since some theologians do not start counting until the night of the 15th Nisan, Jesus must have been resurrected at the beginning of the light-day (i.e. the bright phase of a calendar day). However, Jesus did not speak of "3 nights and 3 days", but of "3 days and 3 nights". So the 14th Nisan is the first day in the counting of the Messiah sign. There is no doubt about this according to the correct translation of the basic Greek text. Jesus rose from the dead in the middle of the Sabbath, before sunrise, otherwise the 4th light-day would begin.
The biblical truth is: Jesus has fulfilled the sign of the Messiah! He rose from the dead after "3 days and 3 nights", as he said, not earlier and not later. And he rose on a Sabbath morning, on His day. That's all the Bible says. This is also the statement in many old Catholic Bible translations, which even refer to the time of the day of resurrection as "Saturday morning". Also the worldwide first printed Bible in a national language, the Catholic Mentelin Bible of 1466, mentions quite clearly that the women came to the tomb "on a Saturday morning". It was "on the first Saturday", the 7 Saturdays until Pentecost. This is the statement made by many of the oldest Catholic bibles, as anyone can easily convince himself (see Link).
f you look at the embarrassing argumentations and manipulations of the theologians, who absolutely want to find the Sunday in the Bible, we can be even more certain that God really meant a Sabbath morning. After all, it is actually claimed that biblically "on one of the Sabbaths" (see Interlinear and μια των σαββατων) is supposed to mean "on one of the Sundays" until Pentecost. And when it says in the New Testament that the women came to the tomb "on a Sabbath morning", this is supposed to have four meanings, namely "AFTER a Sabbath morning" or "on a Sunday morning" or "on the first day of the week" "or on the Lord's day". And what if the evangelists really meant Sabbath morning? Then they would have had to write down in the ancient Greek language exactly the same phrases that they used. Otherwise the Jews would always have had to sanctify Sunday, for in the Greek translation of the Old Testament (Septuagint) there are exactly the same grammatical Sabbath forms as in the New Testament. God created the earth and all elements. He is very well able to express Himself clearly and distinctly and when He mentions the Sabbath seven times in the Resurrection chapter, He certainly does not mean Sunday, the holiday of the murderers of Jesus. The seductive pastors can already think about what they will say to Jesus when Jesus will tell them in the judgment that He really meant "3 days and 3 nights" and "early on the first Sabbath" (Mk 16:9) and never "on Sunday".
As has been shown by hundreds of examples from original Bible translations (see Old Bibles), many Bibles mention the resurrection of Jesus "on a Sabbath morning" or "on a Saturday morning". We did not write these texts, but they are ancient originals that can be downloaded quickly and free of charge from the Internet as facsimiles (see Historical Bibles: Link). The first official Catholic Bible, the Latin Vulgate, was the standard text of the Catholic Church and all of Christianity for over 1,500 years. It does not mention either Sunday or week or "after the Sabbath", but states that women came to the tomb "on a sabbath" (una sabbati). It was "early on the first Sabbath" (mane prima sabbati), that is, on the first weekly Sabbath after Passover (15th Nisan), which is also the first of the seven Sabbaths that are counted every year until Pentecost (shavuot). What is so hard to understand about that? Many Christians know only the unbiblical first Catholic Sunday of Advent, but not the biblical first Sabbath of the seven Sabbaths up to Pentecost. The old German Bible manuscripts are particularly accurate, mentioning not Sunday but Saturday morning. Yes, Saturday morning, not Sunday morning, this is the message of the old Catholic Bible translations. Also the first worldwide printed book, the Gutenberg Bible has the same content. The beginning of all Bible printings began with the proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus "on a Sabbath" (una sabbati). This also applies to the world's first printed Bible in a national language, the Catholic Mentelin Bible of 1466, whose text is shown here as one of many examples. The text is so easy to understand that further explanations are unnecessary. Every little German child understands it, only the theologians cannot understand it because they wish to find Sunday in the Bible. Here the Saturday morning is mentioned, the correct translation of the Vulgate and the basic Greek text. Sunday does not belong in any Bible, it was not mentioned either in the basic Greek text or in the Latin Vulgate. The first ever printed Bible in a national language proclaims to the whole world the gospel of Jesus' resurrection "on a Saturday (samstag, sambstag)" morning; it was "on the first Saturday" (samsstag), the first of the seven Saturdays until Pentecost. Another Sunday gospel is a lie:
The world famous Bible of Martin Luther, what does it say? It describes that the women came to the grave "on a Sabbath". This was also the exact same statement of the three official Catholic counter-bibles of Emser, Dietenberger and Eck. The church may have preached Sunday orally, but in their written Bibles there has always been talk only of the Sabbath. In almost all the first German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish and Polish Bibles that were written first, there was still the Resurrection Sabbath. For many centuries it was not even possible to find a Bible that tells of an alleged resurrection of Jesus on a Sunday, because all Bibles in various languages only proclaimed Sabbath morning or Saturday morning. The first Bible ever printed in a European language on the American continent was the German Saur Bible of 1743, which describes that the women came to the tomb "on a Sabbath" morning. In order not to confuse people, the churches simply made the absurd claim that this meant Sunday as the new "Christian Sabbath". Christians of the Catholic, Protestant and Evangelic Churches, the Worldwide Church of God with its many splinter groups, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and even the Seventh-day Adventists elevated Sunday to a special day of the week. They all claim that supposedly the resurrection of Jesus took place on it, or at least that the women came to the tomb on Sunday morning. This is wrong and shows that their love for Sunday is more important to them than their love for God and for his Word, which in the basic Greek text is still present in its pure and unadulterated form. It is very praiseworthy that even today there are still completely new Bible translations which have been translated very well and which bring the Sabbath back into the foreground. No one can deny these facts: Millions of old and new handwritten and printed Bibles are in complete agreement: JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD ON A SABBATH MORNING.
What is described here is not new knowledge, but rather ancient basic knowledge, which every Christian of the first church knew. When a Christian today says that it written in the Bible that Jesus rose from the dead "on a Sabbath", he is not spreading a new doctrine, but an ancient Christian and Catholic basic knowledge, which was not passed on orally, but in written form (Bible) for almost 2,000 years. Jesus rose from the dead "on a Sabbath morning". This is the gospel that Jesus fulfilled the sign of the Messiah and after "3 days and 3 nights" He rose from the dead on a Sabbath morning. This was on His day (the Sabbath) and not on the greatest holiday of his murderers (the Sunday). The new Sunday Gospel was and is a lie, with the aim that all Christians worldwide should accept the Roman (Catholic) calendar and Roman (Catholic) holidays and separate themselves from the calendar of God forever. For many centuries, Bible translations mentioned the resurrection of Jesus "on a Sabbath" or "on a Saturday". It was not until 1900, with the revision of the Luther Bible, that Sunday was added to the Bible on a large scale, or rather brought into it, so that people would continue to sanctify the Sunday that had been established up to that time and not discover what was literally written in the Bible. The King James Bible already replaced the Resurrection Sabbath with Resurrection Sunday in 1611, while Bibles in other languages were much more accurate. But now, in the last days, the time has come to lead Christians to the original teachings. Thus a small part of the prophecy of Daniel 12:4 is fulfilled, for his words do not only refer to the events mentioned in his book, but they also mean the enormous increase of knowledge and understanding throughout the whole earth:
"But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end.
Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
(Dan 12:4)
It has never been so easy to get information and old and new Bibles. But there has never been a time when there has been so much false information and heresy. It is our responsibility to find the truth and use the time wisely. No one has an excuse:
"Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Abstain from all appearance of evil"
(1Thess 5:19-22)
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them"
(Eph 5:11)